Sunday, June 28, 2020

It’s about Light: The Art of Life
Life & Friendship

Fay & Terry in Pujols, France (2018)
I heard the sad news today that my dear friend, Fay Kelly, passed away yesterday.  I am in shock and in disbelief that her life ended so abruptly.  I have such fond memories of time spent together in France and in New York when she visited me. I will miss Fay and the memories will stay with me for she played an important role in my life.  

Fay, Louise and me - chez Louise Finn in Pujols (2018)
While I was creating a new life, I was blessed to meet people who became my family of friends and who enriched my life in countless ways.  During those nine years I spent in New York away from my family in Canada, my friends were there for me and I am forever grateful to my friend, Fay Kelly, who flew from England to take care of me after my operation when I was diagnosed with cancer. Before she returned to England, I organized a thank-you dinner at the local café in Tudor City, which was closed at night but the owner, who was a friend of mine, cooked couscous for us, and our first “Life & Friendship” gathering took place. 

This was the beginning of a fascinating journey for the “Life & Friendship” gathering took a life of its own and became a reoccurring event that grew as more friends joined in.  When people move to New York, they don’t have their family nearby and, therefore, friends become family.

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